Well, I have not posted in over a week which for me is unusual. I have been busy with my annual cleaning/organizing/ painting frenzy :). Plus I have been playing cribbage online, something I have not done in a long long time. I love the game, any cribbage players out there? I play on pogo.com, I used to play on the zone.com but they quit offering cribbage a couple of years ago. And I have been making candles, so I guess I have all kinds of reasons for my lack of posting. As I mentioned in a previous post I brought my Brugs inside because it was so windy and they were getting knocked over all the time. They scented my house for over a week, which was wonderful. The Blackswallow tail caterpillars are gone, I hope they have spun the chrysalis and are safe for the winter but if they did, I can't find them. It is hot and humid again, which I hate, I want some fall weather. I included a picture of a molasses cake I baked and a couple of pics of the four legged kids just to share.
We are going to Wisconsin tomorrow for apples, cheese curds and picture taking, I think it is a bit early for optimum fall color but we have other plans for the next two weekends so it is this weekend or the last weekend of the month. I hope to have some fall pictures of the Mississippi to post.