In case you are wondering who is in the picture, that is Quasi Boy one of my constant gardening companions. He was adopted through Midwest Boxer Rescue. He did not have the greatest life before but is quite happy now. He has a large scar around his neck from someone letting a collar grow into his skin.
Well, we did get some snow but not much, 3 inches is the official total. Not nearly enough to give me a good excuse to stay home from work for a snow day.
I mentioned that I placed an order with Select Seeds this past weekend, I ordered some Martagon lily bulbs, lilies happen to be one of my favorite garden plants. I read an article in a magazine some time back singing the praises for this particular lily also mentioning that it does not mind partial shade and even thrives in the shade. I hesitated to order the bulbs for spring planting because fall planted lilies always do better for me but I could not pass them up.