I love gazing balls, I know they are not really garden art but to me they are :). The past couple of years I have been buying the steel ones so they don't break, this past fall I grouped a few of them together and placed them outside the window by my computer, when December 1st rolled around I put some lights on them so I could see the snow reflecting in the balls along with the lights. I have many more all over my yard, I love the way you can see the sky, flowers, grass in the gazing balls.
Now that the Christmas rush is over I have been cleaning up the hard drive of my computer, I really would like a new computer and in fact even built one on Dell's web site but this one is not really that old and I have several external hard drives for my pictures and music, so there really is no reason to buy one, so I have been moving files from the C drive on this computer to external hard drives for storage, I am up to over half of my C drive free now which was my goal so I can start the new year with a nice clean computer :). I have many other projects to start as well, but at least I can cross one off of my list.
Quasi-Boy does not like the snow at all, his idea of playing in the snow is standing by the back waiting for someone to open the door for him. I am including some pictures of the other critters as well since there is not much in bloom in the garden currently.
With the hoar frost we had last week, it was a wonderful picture taking opportunity but I was at work during most of it, but I did get a few pictures.