The Surprise lilies are in full bloom, a beautiful sight and scent.
My hydrangea tree is almost fully open as well. This is the second year for the trees, I am happy to say they survived our Iowa winter very well, I was not certain they would. The trees were given to us, this spring we planted 2 new hydrangea bushes close to them, Endless Summer and Pinky Winky. We also dug and transplanted two other bushes that were in other areas of our yard, one is Limelight and the other I think is Annabelle but I am not sure on that one.
The heat and humidity are still in full here in Iowa, but then it is August. I have been digging and transplanting iris for the past two weekends, my grandsons are going to be here this weekend so not sure how much digging I will get done :). I ordered two new memory sticks for my computer, I am going to ask my oldest grandson if he wants to help Grandma install them in the puter, he is 8 and loves doing things like that. Who knows maybe they can help dig iris :).