We still need rain, the grass is turning brown, I spent an hour or more after work tonight watering. I had to water some things that I rarely ever water. No rain in the forecast and it is supposed to get hot again Sunday.
I have never met a lily I didn't like and this one is no exception. The rose is on a climber. My sensation cosmos are just starting to bloom, I love Cleome and Sensation Cosmos planted together but the Cleomes do not seem too happy this year as they are very short, with no sign of a bud. I hope they catch up. I remember when I was child I used to walk to this elderly lady's house, she had a huge flower garden, all planted in rows, she had what she called spider flower (cleome), it was one of the first flowers I started planting. I no longer remember her name but I remember her flowers.
Erin my faithful garden companion, isn't she just too cute??? :)