The weather was very warm today, it was 50 when I got up, quite a difference than yesterday AM when we walked the dogs, yesterday was windy and very cool. This morning it was almost muggy. Since the bugs are finally gone we have been walking the dogs in the woods again, Erin especially loves it, her nose is on the ground the whole time with her tail going a hundred miles an hour. The turkeys have moved on. We had a deer running down our street one night last week.
Today after getting back from seeing my Dad who is in the hospital again, I actually found the time to make more soy candles. I bought several new scents over a month ago and have not had a chance to try them out, I made Cinnamon Sticks, Victorian Christmas, Mother Earth and Nag Champa, which isn't new but is a favorite of mine and a couple of my friends.
I am sharing a couple of leaf pictures, not much else color wise in the yard right now unless you count my gazing balls.