The above 3 photos are all mine that I applied some changes to using the Monet App. I enjoy using Photoshop Elements and Paint Shop Pro but this little app is fun and quick and very little work :).
And while we are on the subject of changes, I have went through several life changing events in the past weeks. On 11/19 I found out the company I have worked for the past 23 years had been swallowed up by a shark company (Form A Feed) out of Stewart, MN and would be moving all production and office work to their MN plant, therefore closing us completely down, they wanted our customer list and inventory is about it. It was not a total surprise as I knew the company had been losing money for the past several years due to a variety of reasons, none of which were addressed. It took Form A Feed until Jan 28 to move all the work to their location so my last day was last Friday. I am 62, so am at a bad age for finding new employment and purchasing health insurance. Three days after finding out about my job my Dad passed away at the age of 86, not a total surprise but it had come up rather quickly, he was in hospice care for a couple of weeks. Two weeks ago we had to have my beloved boxer put down, he was almost 12, he was falling down and at first could get himself up but toward the end, he could not. He had been treated for boxer cardiomyopathy the past 4 years, he was having trouble breathing the last few weeks.
So this is going to be a time for me to re-invent my life :).