Saturday, March 7, 2009

Flower A Day

Things are a bit slow in my gardening world right now so I thought I would post a flower a day for a bit, all from last summer's garden................starting with red. It rained most of the day today, we have gotten over an inch since this morning. The ground is still frozen, the frost is really deep this year, so the water runs off. So it was a day of candle making and cooking for me. And reading, I am reading a really good book, Serena by Ron Rash, it is historical fiction, probably my favorite category. It is about the logging industry out east during the depression.


Sally said...

Rosie was such a cute little puppy! I heard that Eastern Iowa was under a flood watch. Please, God! Not again!!

Rosemary said...

Great photos, big Ahhhhhhhhhhh for the puppy one!

Iowa Victory Gardener said...

Rosie looks so sweet in those photos! I can tell she's a kind little dog ... and I hope she's recovered well from her surgery a while back!