I have been sorting through all my photos from last summer. I wanted to get some printed before spring gets here and I have lots of flowers to photograph, I came across these and decided to use this bee for camera critter saturday. The weather here in Iowa has been beautiful and spring-like. They say that is going to change on Sunday.
Gorgeous bee/flower photos! I'm glad you found these and shared them.
Great photos. Hopping we'll all be taking bug and flower photos again soon.
I like how the flower is shaped and the bee is coming in for a landing.
Lindas fotos!
Great pollinator!
Oh my goodness - those are really fantastic captures! You see a lot of bee photos in garden blogs, but those are outstanding.
They are lovely...other bloggers are featuring summer photos too...it's been a long winter!
Gorgeous photos, the colors are lovely!
Hat a coincidence, I have that self same white flower in my garden but I have forgetten the name. I think it's Japanese?
oh nice capture! =)
Wow - excellent shots of the bee!
That first one in flight is awesome.
Carletta@Round The Bend
You had the same idea as us. That looks so warm!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
My, your photos are wonderful! I love the bumblebees. They can be difficult to capture sometimes, they are sooo busy.
We are getting the same cold front as you, stay warm.
That top photo is wonderful. The bee coming in for a landing is a great capture! They're all super photos, but that top one is amazing.
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Fabulous shots! How I long for some greenery...
Excellent photos of the bee and the gooseneck loosestrife! I'm looking forward to flowers, bees, butterflies and my photographing them.
She's a beauty. I hope your spring like weather doesn't change too drastically. Maybe some of your local bees were able to get out and buzz around.
So very sorry to hear about Quasi. Glad he found such a loving home with you. It is so tough to lose them but at least we can feel good about having shared good times with them. My boy Rocky will be 12 soon. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in January 2010 and the vet said maybe he would survive another year. I'm happy he has passed the one year mark and seems to be continuing to do all right. I'd love it if he would make it to 13. My condolences to you and your family.
You seem to have everything it takes to get great pictures!
A good eye
A steady hand
A good subject
and A Good Camera!
Very nice!
Oh, thanks! I needed that! Winter's back, here in NY State.
It is fun to chase those bees. 29 days until spring so you know we can still get bombed.
Great shots but I really loved that paused in mid air one.
Gorgeous pictures. It's finally snowing here on the mountain. The first snow since November, so we don't mind.--Inger
Glad to know that weather is getting favorable.
love this little bee friend, cool shot of him in flight!
That bee is beautiful. I'm fascinated by them, though with my allergy I should probably stay away from them. But they ARE fun to watch in my garden.
Wonderful photos! Flowers and insects are a winning combination for a great photo opportunity.
Wow...I admire your shots! A busy bee :)
Thanks for dropping by, have a great week...
Fantastic photos. Really enjoyed looking through your photos of your sweet. I am your new follower. I just started my blog, stop by and watch as the season progresses and I add more photos.
Goldenray Yorkies
Gorgeous photos! My daughter and I were just discussing bees yesterday -- about how important they are to our lives. I'll have to show her these photos.
We had some lovely weather here for a couple days and now we're back to cold and overcast -- sigh. I can't wait for Spring :-)
Wonderful bee shots! I love the way you captured the sequence of swooping down on the cluster.
Bees are freezing today.
Those are some really good macros. Great pictures.
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