Saturday, October 15, 2011

Camera Critter Saturday

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Some fall photos from my garden.


wildcatwoods said...

Lovely - we don't have many butterflies anymore.

Carolina Mts

Giga said...

Ogród jeszcze pełen życia i są nawet motylki :-). Pozdrawiam

TexWisGirl said...

every one is just beautiful! full of color and life!

Anonymous said...

The bee and the hopper (or katydid)photos really got my attention. Very nice.

Dianne said...

beautiful critters

Sharon said...

You got scarily close to that bee! Great shots!

Jill said...

LOVE these!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what lovely sunny shots! Love the clarity.

Hootin Anni said...

All I can say to WOW!!! [I like the 3rd one down especially...only 'cause of the color of the flower...purple. Guess what color is my favorite?]

Halloween Ratatouille - LOL

Muffy's Marks said...

Beautiful shots, all our winged critters are long gone; or maybe with today's wind blew away. Have a great weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nicely caught, a good selection of photos.I still see a few but my garden is emptying out for the season.

Rohrerbot said...

Your bug shots are really good. My favorite...the bee on the purple flowers. That is excellent!

Snap said...

Gorgeous shots of your garden. I have seen very few butterflies this year and I'm guessing it's because of our horrible drought. I'm going to enjoy yours! Happy Critter Day!

Jan said...

Beautiful! I know it takes a lot of patience to get shots like these, as well as skill with the camera. Well done.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Such beautiful and detailed photos :)

Sunray Gardens said...

Lovely photos. That bee photo is really great.
Cher Sunray Gardens

EG CameraGirl said...

You still have so many insects busy in your garden!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautifully captured!

My Critter, please come and see.

Unknown said...

I love that first photo with the flower as fall takes it over, and the contrast with that lovely butterfly!! All the rest are simply lovely too!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous captures of the butteerflies. Lovely flowers and critters.

Roan said...

I love them all, but especially that bumble bee. Wonderful series of shots.

Anonymous said...

These are all gorgeous shots! Hugs

Torunn said...

Fantastic macro images. lovely!!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my's very difficult to go beyond the top photo...that squirrel photo is priceless!!! As are all the others. I especially like the colors and the beautiful butterflies.