Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Snowy Day and Bird Visitors!

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Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I couldn't even give this post a title using IE............. good grief, now I guess I will have to get Chrome........... wish they could all just play nice for a change.

Anonymous said...

Well, no sooner did I write what I did yesterday than the very next day the problem went away with leaving comments. This is after two weeks of frustration. Love your bird photos. They need no title.

Lois Evensen said...

Very pretty! We get some of the same here. :) Aren't they wonderful! They look so delicate, yet are so hardy in the cold weather.

Gretchen said...

Wonderful captures of your bird visitors!! =)

Rosemary said...

So nice to see the birds visiting....... love the cardinals and the woodpeckers

TexWisGirl said...

these are lovely! i switched to chrome and haven't had any further issues (yet!)

The JR said...

Pretty birds.

I hate snow. I'm sure I've said it before. I know I'll end up saying it again.

Suz said...

I love the way you waited for the right light..so beautiful