Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finally Spring

What a winter this has been! One nasty weather system after another, they just kept on a coming, ice, snow, more ice, more snow, more ice. We are seeing our driveway for the 1st time since last November, it could have been used as an ice skating rink all winter. It was difficult finding a place to walk the dogs.

My Dad is back home from the nursing home. Three months ago I doubted he would be alive let alone be home again. The weather did not make the hour drive each way any more pleasant, not that going to a nursing home to see one's Dad is ever pleasant. One thing I did see almost every time I traveled up there was two fields close together that had hundreds of turkeys feeding, both fields from some reason, maybe wind flow, did not have as much snow and I imagine they were finding corn or beans that had been left behind after harvest, I have never seen so many wild turkeys together! This went on for a good eight weeks. This winter must have been really difficult for wildlife.

I have several things to blog about but will start with something on a happy note. Spring seems to have arrived, the robins have been back for the past two weeks, the juncos are still here, the old saying is that if the juncos are still around, there will be another snow, I am thinking of posting a sign JUNCOS NO LONGER WELCOME! We saw bluebirds at a local park. I have seen blue herons flying overhead on two occasions. I haven't seen my little Carolina wrens since about Christmas time. The red winged black birds are back. I spotted a flock of flickers last weekend, so I know nice weather is just around the corner.

My rhubarb is up! I can just taste some yummy rhubarb sauce, Yummo, to quote Rachel Ray!
Be warned I will be out reading and leaving comments on everyone's blogs.


kris said...

Sprouts poking out of the ground - I love it!! We're still getting snow, but with warmer temps at least it doesn't last long. Glad to hear your dad is back home - that must be a huge relief to you. How amazing to see that many wild turkeys all together. I hope we're both in our gardens SOON!!

Iowa Victory Gardener said...

Won't it be nice when we can soon take shots of flowers in the garden w/out the leafy leftovers from last fall (to wit: my recent crocus shots)? More green, please! Maybe we're just impatient because this was such a long, difficult and depressing winter (ice, snow, sleet, ice, rain, etc.)

Those turkeys sounded like quite a sight! I have never seen more than one or two at a time, so I'd be really impressed by that too. A few years ago when we were out at Fernymoss' parents farm, Pepa flushed a turkey out of the brush and was so proud of herself! I was just worried that she'd be silly and get her clock cleaned by the turkey, but she just jumped up, barked and then pointed. Whew. I still remember when I first got her and she had an unfortunate encounter with a goose! That ended with pecking and getting chased away, lol.

Sally said...

Your rhubarb is up? I should go look at mine. And, my juncos stay around all year (?). But the good news is the cardinal keeps coming back to my feeder. Yay!

Gardengirl1952 said...

Hello spring! I was outside today as well and need to get to work out there instead of just looking. My 'barb is up too and some needs moving so there is no time to waste. Glad your dad is better and all.
My hubby has been doing better and now his dry weight is at 204 lbs. For you that don't understand Paul is on dialysis and after a session they weigh you to see how much fluid they removed. He's healed from the fall he took too. In between cleaning and planting my garden I'll drop in to see what you've been posting. Love all the photos you share.
I need a camera. Our anniversary is April 23 so think I'll just dig up some plastic and get me one. :<) That way when I get paid next I can pay off the card charge.
Walla Walla sweet onion starts await me in the morning. Then I need to stretch some chicken wire and get the peas out. Well I better run and give ya all a rest. Linda