Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I find leaves almost as interesting as flowers.
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Gin said...

I love your lamium! I have that and it's coming back great this year. Is that a sedum? I'm not sure what the other one is, is it a heucera? Leaves sure can be lovely, can't they!

Silly Goose said...

What a nice idea to do a post on various leaves/ I'll ave to copy your dea one day soon because I think it makes for an interesting post!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Thanks for stopping! The thrid one is a creeping sedum of some kind, I have had it for years, someone gave it to me a long time ago. The second one is a fancy bleeding heart.

Iowa Victory Gardener said...

I too agree that leaves are fascinating and we often do shots of them taken from interesting angles, just for effect. That sedum looks suspiciously like one we inherited in our garden ... does it have pretty little yellow flowers? If it's the one we have, it grows unbidden all over the place, but where it annoys we just yank it up (there's hardly any root structure to it) and send it to the compost. But we do leave a lot because it grows so nicely in the cracks between the boulders in the front bed, where it should, lol.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I think the sedum is the same as your IVG, but like you said it is easily pulled up and it does fill in dead spots nicely.