Thursday, October 2, 2008

Garlic Chives

Anyone else grow garlic chives? Each spring I have to keep myself from pulling it up because it looks like a weed but each fall I am rewarded with lovely white flowers that the bees and other buggies just love!


O.I.M said...

yes i'm growing garlic chives and I love them. so nice to have blooms so late in the season. and they're very pretty blooms at that.

Sally said...

Nope - I planted some but they didn't come up. I'll have to go steal some from Bettina. LOL Any flower is appreciated this time of year.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi! I am just discovering blogging. Today I am snooping around, looking to see what blogs other garden bloggers look at, and since I am in Nebraska, thought I'd check out the Iowa blogger.

I had to reply to this, because I used to have way too many garlic chives, and they are a plant that don't stay pulled, or even dug out. Any little piece of root regrows. Now that it's been a number of years since we moved, I have gotten brave enough to plant garlic chives in pots, and after the white is off the blooms, I am doing a good job cutting them off and throwing them away.

I love your photographs, btw.
