Saturday, April 9, 2011

Camera Critter Saturday

Migrating ducks, candian geese, red shouldered hawk


Lois Evensen said...

Very nice. :)) Just love those images of water fowl.

Carletta said...

Wonderful photos - the hawk especially!

Carletta's Captures

the teacher's pets said...

I'm in love with birds of all kinds but seeing the Canadian Geese makes me think that spring is here to stay!

Anonymous said...

I like that first shot. I live along a golf course (no I don't play) and have a large pond right outside my window. It is entertaining to watch the geese and ducks come in for a landing. Although it looks funny, they know what they are doing and pull it off nicely. I've never seen one yet overshoot the runway and crash into the bank.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the wonderful birds of spring!

Amila Kanchana said...

Great captures!

Shelley Munro said...

We used to have a lot of Canadian Geese here where we live in NZ, but the area is now built-up and they go elsewhere. I love the shot of the hawk.

Sharon said...

Great shots! I love that first one, it's so amazing that they don't have a collision!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love your pictures, especially the one of the hawk!

Arkansas Patti said...

Nice action shots. I usually just get a shot of sky where they once were.

Chubskulit Rose said...

So cute!

Here's my entry, have a great weekend!

Out on the prairie said...

You were quick catching the hawk.

Chandramouli S said...

Lovely shots there! Couldn't you ask them to migrate to southern parts of India too?

Rosemary said...

Nice to see!

wildcatwoods said...

Great shots - the hawk came out lovely.

Carolina Mts

Louise said...

Beautiful shots, especially of the geese!

The JR said...

Good pictures.

I like to see them running on the water.