Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring flowers

I am not sure what this little blue flower is, it is really tiny and spreads in the lawn and blooms really early and the disappears.   About 33 years ago I dug some peonies from my grandmother's old house and the bulbs were dormant in the soil.    They are such a pretty blue.

I was having some fun with PSE. 


Out on the prairie said...

Is this maybe called squill?

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

OOTP: I think you are correct.

Lois Evensen said...

The blue is so pretty. That's my favorite color and I am always using up all the blue in my camera with sea, sky, flowers.... ;)

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty shade of blue. Wouldn't mind having them come up in my yard.

Garden Lily said...

I believe that little cutie is Chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-snow) or Scilla. Such a wonderful blue!

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for getting the identity. I have them also, they are so sweet.

Inger said...

What a pretty flower. I have some too that cover the entire yard in the spring, but I don't know what they are. Still I love them. Thank you so much for your support of my efforts in the A to Z Challenge.--Inger

Sue said...

We have several small pretty flowers spreading around the yard. I believe our bird friends have been busy planting them for us. It's nice to see the wildflowers providing the first color this spring. Thanks for visiting us.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

The JR said...

Beautiful. It's so hard to find that color blue to combo with other colors.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It's lovely and so welcome at the start of spring!!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Whatever they are, they sure are pretty! I love what you did with the frame dealy.

Rose said...

I wondered if they were squill; glad someone else identified them first. I've seen them in other gardens, and they are the prettiest shade of blue. Lucky you to have them growing freely in your lawn!

Rosemary said...

Love these little blue flowers .