Sunday, March 18, 2007


Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers, I love to pair them with Cleome (spider flower), when I first started gardening years ago cosmos and spider flowers were some of the first flowers I picked out to plant along with sunburst cosmos. When I was growing up there was an old lady who lived up the street that had a large flower garden, she always had spider flowers, I was fascinated by those flowers. I do not remember the woman's name but I do remember her garden. Have I become that old woman???? :)


A wildlife gardener said...

One of mine too! I love that shade of pink.

Ki said...

We love cosmos but don't like the habit of them falling over. Similarly cleomes and hollyhocks. Unfortunately because of that fault we don't plant them anymore.

Green thumb said...

Loved all the pink flower photographs.They look superb.I specially liked the'Bleeding hearts'.It is not a very common flower in my country.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Bleeding Hearts are an interesting plant to me, they bloom early in the spring and then foilage dies back, so you don't even realize the plant is there. They are an old fashioned plant brought over to this country by early settlers.

MrBrownThumb said...

Until Green Thumb mentioned it I didn't even notice that most plants were pink. Is pink your favorite color?

If you like Cleomes you should have visited Down Town Chicago last year. It was like someone had just discovered them. There were Cleomes everywhere especially in a park here called Millennium Park. I wish I had taken photos.

Your photos are very nice.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Thanks Mr Brown Thumb, pink is not my favorite color, I have been going through all the colors, I have done green, blue and now pink, not sure if I will do lavendar, yellow, red or orange next. Green is probably my favorite color, I love them all!

Every now and then someone discovers Cleome, that happened in the parks around here a few years ago, but have not seen them since in public plantings. It is such an easy beautiful flower, not sure why more people don't plant it.