Monday, October 27, 2008

Amish Cockscomb

This flower is still in bloom in my garden, I picked it today when I got home from work to let it dry so I can get the seeds. I have several that I dried last summer to make a wreath out of, but that never happened, but they dry great.


Corner Gardener Sue said...

I may have told you already that I got some seeds from my next door neighbor for some huge cockscombs of different colors. I don't know if they are related to yours or not. She had already given me some for a vase, and the flowers started shedding seeds, which I saved. Then she gave me some seeds wrapped in foil with the colors written on them. I can't decide if I want to plant the ones I got from the cut flowers and be surprised, or plant the marked ones. :o) I think I"ll try laying some on the ground this fall, and then plant some in the spring.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

No, you didn't tell me about the seeds, they do throw lots of seeds, don't they?? What other colors did you get, do you have pictures? I would love to see them! What a wonderful share.

Shady Gardener said...

I can't imagine how beautiful a wreath would be made of those flowers. (Ambitious project!) :-)

Thanks for visiting me. I don't seem to "get around much" these days.

Connie said...

Way cool flower!

Lythrum said...

I saw some Christmas ornaments made out of cockscombs in a magazine and thought it would be a lovely idea. Unfortunately it's one of those many projects that I have never had time to get around to. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Don't you just love cockscomb? It looks kind of like a brain and comes in such vibrant colors. I prefer this kind to the more spiky kind, even though that's cute too.
~ Monica