Pretty in Pink
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Camera Critter Saturday

At The Feeder
None of these photos are all that great as they were taken through a window but this is what my feeder looks like these days. I was thrilled to see the Morning Doves are back, so that has to mean that winter is on the down slide. Cardinals are my favorites, they are at the feeder throughout the day but in the evening we will have 10-20 feeding, getting a few last bites before night, it is a site to see, I wish I could get some pictures but have never been able to.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Blog Anniversary

As I read other blogs I see the posts about blog anniversaries. Well, I missed mine AGAIN, it was January 13th, 2007, but I decided to mention it anyway :), so it has been 3 years and 5 days since I started blogging. It has proven to be an enjoyable experience, with nothing negative to say about it. I still love reading other's blogs and get tickled each time I see that someone has made a comment on mine. I have been online since 1996, at that time I was the exception not the rule, then AOL was the only way online in my community, dial up of course. I hosted a chat in AOL's The Potting Shed for several years. Broadband access became available to me in 2000, which made my online experience even better. I think about all the information we have at our fingertips and how much it has changed our lives, it really is unbelievable. Anyway thanks to everyone who has stopped by my blog and thanks to all that have made their blogs available to the rest of us. Keep on blogging!
I decided to share some of roses with everyone, I do love my roses.
Sunday, January 17, 2010

This photo was taken last November, we had a hard frost, I had pulled up all the dead plants, and this little fennel plant started growing, it is such a brilliant green against the dry leaves. I plant fennel to attract Black Swallowtail butterflies, I had caterpillars two years in a row but did not have any this past summer, keeping my fingers crossed for next summer.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Camera Critter Saturday
Nap Time! I love the face of an old dog, Quasi Boy the boxer has the most beautiful gray face. He is 11, that is old for a boxer. He still has lots of play left in him. He is a joy to have around. Erin is almost 7, Rosie is almost 2.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My first Paperwhite bulbs are done blooming, the second group is growing but the flowers have not opened. They are so fragrant!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Camera Critter Saturday
Last month when we went to the butterfly house at Reiman Gardens, my husband was the lucky one that a butterfly chose to land on, last year it was me that was the lucky one. We go to the butterfly house several times a year, but the only time we have had any land on us was in December, maybe they have the Christmas spirit then, not sure.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Lavender Christmas Cactus
I think I have all the different colors of Christmas Cactus but the one that is called white (it has a slight pinkish cast), this is the one I bought this year, it was marked as Lavender, which it is a bit I guess, but mostly they are all different shades of pink. My favorite is still the old-fashioned one that has been around for years.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Coral Bells
This photo was taken long after a hard frost, as you can see the coral bells leaves still have lots of color, I am definitely going to add more of these hybrids to my garden next spring
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Butterfly House
My blogging has suffered the past month or so, busy with real life I guess. I took these photos on a trip to Reiman Butterfly House the day before my birthday last month, each year I say all I want for my birthday is to visit the butterfly house.
Thanks to to Pamela at for helping me get the snow gadget working in my blog.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Camera Critter Saturday nip, oh happy days!
This gives me the munchies.......................where are those fish treats?
No wait, let me tell you what happened then.............oh great now I've got the giggles....this always happens.
Looks like I'm not the only one with the munchies.
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