TGIF, the weather sounds great for the weekend, I hope to get some last minute garden clean-up done.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Hydrangea bushes were loaded this year, the first picture is with the sun shinning on the flower the second without, not sure which I like the best. I have to get out and pick a bunch of them this weekend, they dry so wonderfully. I have a large basket full of them each fall, my one cat loves to play with dried flower heads.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Amish Cockscomb
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday and It Is Snowing!
It is snowing outside as I am writing this! What flowers that I had left in bloom will be gone tomorrow for sure. There were a few things still blooming, my cosmos for one, they did unusually well this year, they reached heights of over 8 or 9 feet, they must thrive on neglect. We had high wind warnings all day today, it was quite a day.
The photo above is of butterfly weed gone to seed.
I had fun with the boys, we went to the pumpkin farm with a friend of mine and her granddaughter.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Bottle Tree

I did not get home from work in time to get a picture of my bottle but I did find the picture I took when we first put it up last fall.
Tina asked to see a picture after I commented on her blog about a picture of her bottle tree.
I have forgotten how to make her name a link, darn it! I need to brush up on this blogging thing again :).
Tina asked if I knew the story behind the trees, the first one I saw was in the Ray Charles movie, it is a southern thing, evil spirits are supposed to get caught in the bottles and therefore unable to enter the house. Anyway that is my idea.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lily Collage
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pretty in Blue
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Pretty in Pink
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall Crocus
I mentioned earlier this summer that we had to have a new patio put in and one of my flower beds was torn up. I had dug the plants that I could save. Much to my surprise my fall crocus that were planted in this bed bloomed so they survived and received full attention as there is not much else in the bed right now.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Garden Photo a Day
Speaking of lilies, I planted 8 lily trees today from Breck and some heirloom turkscap lilies as well. It did not feel like fall today, it was over 80 degrees and almost muggy.
The weekend flew by as usual. Lots of hours in the works for me next week same as last week, sure am glad my hubby takes good care of the critters while I am gone.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Purple Petunia
I have been gardening for a very long time. My Grandmother on my Dad's side was always working in her garden as well as my Dad's sisters, my aunts, so I guess I came by it genetically. But my very first plant purchase was a six pack of very fragrant dark purple petunias that I bought on the spur of the moment after walking past them and noticing their fragrance so each year I still buy the dark purple petunias, since buying this house in the late 70s, I plant them in a long wooden box that sits on top of my fence, at times I can smell them in my kitchen, but always when I leave for work early in the morning I notice their fragrance and in the evening while sitting out on the patio.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Couple of Zinnias
This week has been a beautiful week weather wise! I wish I had been able to take a few days off but that is not in cards, darn it! I hope the weekend is this nice.
Any readers out there? I am reading a wonderful book, Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski, it is a first novel. I love big thick books when the are good and this one is good. There is so much going on in the world right now I am not getting in as much reading time as usual.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Amish Cockscomb
Last spring someone gave me some starts of Amish Cockscomb, at the time I did not know what it was and neither did she, but someone on my blog identified it last summer. They self sow and I had them in my flower bed again this year. However on Saturday I saw REAL Amish were about 5 times the size on the ones I have had the past two summers, the blooms were over a foot across and were in almost every flower bed we passed. At one shop I bought a flower for a dollar, I have it drying now and will harvest the seeds so hopefully next year I will have larger blooms, but maybe it is the horse manure they use for fertilizer.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Few Blooms Sunday Oct 5, 2008
Well, going to see the Amish stores was a bust, they are buying their merchandise in China the same as all the other stores. But we did visit a store that sold bulk goods, baking goods, and candy mostly that was fun. Bought a few things there. There was a General Store that had lots of Amish fabric, I bought 3 yards. It was a nice day for a drive. I came home and planted bulbs and started cleaning up for the winter.
Autum Joy Sedum,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I love goldenrod, of course I like anything that attracts bees and buggies :). I can not convince my mother that it is not ragweed and I catch hell from her every time she sees it in bloom in my garden :). My mother is a full blooded Irish woman and there is no changing her mind no matter if there is proof right in front of her, so I have given up.
It is supposed to be a beautiful fall day today so we are off to visit some of the stores in Amish country, neither of us has been up that way for years. We are going to have lunch in Fairbank at a local mom and pop restaurant that we hear is good. When I get home I have about a 100 bulbs to plant and it sounds as if I best get that done today as the weather tomorrow does not sound like bulb planting weather.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Garlic Chives
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